Category Archives: Webinar

An Introduction to Luminosity Masks
Sunday, February 19, 2023 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

An Introduction to Luminosity Masks
How to Make and Use Them in Photoshop and Elements
Bob Benson

Luminosity masks are the new buzzword in post processing, but in reality it is just another tool to consider. We will look at how to create and how to use them as adjustment masks. This is primarily best for Photoshop users, but I will show you a work around for Elements people.

Bob Benson, FPSA EPSA, has held various positions with the Photographic Society of America, including a four year term as Divisions Vice President. Previously, he started the Interclub Competition for the older Electronic Imaging Division, then later, started the Interclub Competition for PID. Besides some other PSA related activities, he wrote an ongoing column for the Journal on Lightroom®. Since online judging has become common, he judges for international exhibitions and clubs in other areas.

At the local level, he has been on the Board for the Chicago Area Camera Clubs Association since 2001, serving in many capacities, including President. He judges and presents at local clubs and for seminars on a regular basis, providing education programs and training for new judges. Through CACCA, he has earned major awards, including the Wanda Christl Award (photography excellence), Stinson Award (volunteerism), the Creativity Award, and holds a TOPS in color, mono, and creative prints.

“My biggest passion is prints and printing; there is nothing like seeing a well-crafted print. Back in the darkroom days, I was never satisfied with my B&W prints. Digital has changed all that, allowing the control I never was able to achieve before. Landscapes are my preference, but I am willing to try anything, as I see that as the best way to learn.”

Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Registration through Eventbrite

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.