This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series
Pet Photography
Larry Cowles, HonPSA, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/d3
While Larry’s program is centered around taking images of pets in the studio, he will also talk about using natural light. Many of us have pets that are part of our family and we want to have portraits of them like any other family members. They also make great subjects for competition images. Larry will discuss techniques of how to get your pet to look at the camera, compositional tools and developing a pet photography team to create great images.
Larry is a retired Electrical Engineer with a passion for Photography. He joined PSA in 1983 and has been active in exhibitions having achieved over 15,000 acceptances and winning hundreds of awards from 100 countries and was the first person to obtain GMPSA/P, PSA’s highest level. Over the years he has held various offices in camera clubs, councils and PSA Chapters. He has judged or chaired many exhibitions. In PSA Larry is an ex-chairman of the Color Projected Imaged Division, Vice chairman of the Print Division and past Vice President and Managing Editor of the PSA Journal. He is a frequent judge, teaches photography and is a mentor. His photographic specialty is portraits.
Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Eventbrite
PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.