The upload deadline for the PGNS Sight & Sound Audio Visual Competition is March 23, 2025. Your essay must be WeTransfered to WeTransfer is a free upload service and you do not need to create a WeTransfer account.
Below are the rules for the essay. A complete PDF list of the rules and competition guidelines are available from the members only Documents menu in the Restricted documents section (PGNS Sight & Sound Essay Rules).
• Essays can have a maximum running time of no more than five (5) minutes.
• It is strongly recommended that the essay include a title image. The essay must not include
the maker’s name.
• The first and the last image must be black and displayed for 3 seconds.
• The end of the essay should contain credits (e.g.: music) but must not include the name of
the maker.
• There are no restrictions on special effects.
• Video clips can make up no more than 20% of total time of the show. (Videos are not
• Photos or art not made by the entrant (for example, photos of historical persons, photos of
the earth from space, historical photos of buildings or maps, etc., needed to tell the story)
can comprise no more than 10% of the show.
• Maximum (and recommended) show size is 1920 x 1080 resolution (Full HD video).
• File format must be MP4.
• The entrant’s name may not appear in any way that is obvious to the judging panel.