Category Archives: 2024

Guild/PSA Competition 3
Sunday, March 3, 2024 7:30 PM

I am sending this information that you can get started on your entries for the 3rd and final round of Guild/PSA competitions for the season. The usual categories are listed, and the Creative category is Guild only. All must be NEW images meaning you have not used them before in Guild Competitions.

And you had better find a location, the right temps and conditions and get out there to shoot 2 ‘Night’ images if you haven’t already got them in the can. Of course you can interpret that theme in whatever way you want…be creative and let’s see what comes in for that category! Images for this theme must have been shot after the 1st of September, 2023.

The Competition Review with the judges is on the 3rd of March! 👀

This upload deadline is the 18th of February @ 11:45 pm


Best of the Yukon
Sunday, February 18, 2024 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

Best of the Yukon
Laszlo Podor & Darryl Robertson

Darryl Robertson and Laszlo Podor joined “Best of Yukon” photo tour in September 2022. They will take us through the Territory from Whitehorse to Haines Junction, then up north to Dawson City and Tombstone Territorial Park. They will show some amazing landscape images and the magical Aurora Borealis at its peak lightshow.
Darryl joined the Guild in 2011 and has served as webmaster since 2013. 
Laszlo joined the Guild in 2007 and has served as President for eight years.

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.