Category Archives: 2024

Christmas Social
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 7:30 PM

This year’s PGNS Christmas Party is at 7:30 pm on December 11 and it will be a mixed in-person/online meeting at ViewPoint Gallery. The gallery is located at 1475 Bedford Highway, Bedford (next to Cora’s).

We will start the evening with watching some of Wally Hayes’ audiovisual essays. After Wally’s presentation, we’ll have a Viewers’ Choice print selection. Please bring two of your printed images – sizes can be 4×6, 5×7, 8×12 or 8.5×11, but make sure your image can be printed as 12×18.

Henry’s will provide some $50 and $25 coupons as door prizes for in-store purchases.

The Christmas Party will be a potluck event, you can bring your favourite food/dessert to share with others. Our Guild will provide beverages.

Please send me an email if you’d like to attend the party in person.

I hope to see you at the Christmas Party – in-person or online.

All the best,

Creative Cellphone Photography
Monday, December 9, 2024 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

Creative Cellphone Photography
Stephen Patterson

A selection of photographs made with the iPhone 14 Pro over the past 2 years and the potential it has as a creative tool for artistic expression. I will discuss the differences in compositional approach, working with RAW files, focusing, working in bright daylight, slow motion photography, multiple exposure and much more.

Stephen began making images with his camera close to 40 years ago after acquiring his first camera back in 1983. He quickly became fascinated and curious about what others were doing and began to get a collection of books by various masters of the art of photography. One of his first books was Ernst Haas, The Creation which he used as an example of what could be achieved with the proper use of composition and light. Shortly after that he got several of Freeman Patterson’s books that were extremely educational on many aspects of visual design and helped him enormously as well.

Stephen joined the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia in 1983 after seeing a presentation by Mary Primrose on flower photography and that also opened new doors to nature photography, along with seeing the creative eyes of many other members of the guild back in the day.

Stephen has had several solo print exhibitions in Ottawa; The Museum of Nature in 1993, Toronto, the Gottlieb Gallery in 1993 and 1997, and ongoing displays there into the early 2000s. The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, in 1991.

Stephen was featured in the Canadian Nature photography book, The Last Wilderness, 1989.
He continues to create new images with his Camera as well as his iPhone 14 pro, and sees both as equally valid artistic devices, citing visual creativity as the more important aspect of artistic expression, over whatever device is used to create the photographs.

He has taught visual design workshops and has led photographic tours to many locations.

Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Eventbrite

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.