Category Archives: 2024

Atlantic Canada: the Cradle of Photography in Canada
Sunday, March 17, 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

Atlantic Canada: the Cradle of Photography in Canada
Jeff Ward

This presentation will cover the first 25 years of photography [1839-1864] in the Atlantic Region (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador) and would include nationally significant events which happened in the region at this time. It would also discuss the types of photography being undertaken (covering the gamut from sun prints to albumin based emulsions), as well as some of the personalities involved. Imagery would include examples of work from my own collection and from public institutions across the region, Ottawa, and Washington; known portrits of photograhers of the period; as well as advertisements. The presention would aim to provide a balance of material from all four provinces.
Jeff is an amateur historian and retired professional planner. Since 2015 he has focused his research on identifying and dosumenting the photographers who were active in the four Atlantic Provinces in the first 100 years of photography – 1839 to 1939 – in an adventure he calls The Early Light Project. He has been sharing the fruits of his research through The Early Light Project’s Facebook page, and earlier this year [2024] he completed a series of 100 weekly postings on the history of photography, with each posting discussing another year in sequence. He also publishes regularly in Photographic Canadiana, the journal of the Photographic Historical Society of Caanda. Born in New Brunswick, and widely travelled throughout the Atlantic region, he has made Halifax his home for more than 40 years.

Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Registration through Eventbrite

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.

Working with Textures and Overlays
Monday, March 11, 2024 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

Working with Textures & Overlays
Hazel Meredith

Don’t delete that digital image! Do you sometimes have a shot that you really like….a subject that is hard to capture….a place you may not get to again….but it’s not perfect? Turn that “almost” good shot into a work of art by utilizing textures and overlays.

Maybe it’s a bird in flight – the bird looks great, but the sky is blah. Use another sky image as an overlay, or add a texture – or both! Maybe it’s a nice flower shot – good color and composition, but it’s not quite tack sharp. Use textures to turn it into a fine art image! Of course, you can also add textures to your best images and make them spectacular!

Textures are everywhere – there are many free and for-purchase ones online. You can create your own textures within Photoshop or from photos of everyday objects. Working with layers and blending modes, there are many things you can do to create a beautiful work of art – I’ll show you how!

Hazel Meredith, APSA, HonNEC, is an award-winning photographer and a sought-after teacher, speaker, and competition judge. She began teaching in 2007, and now does seminars at camera clubs and conferences across the U.S. – both in-person and virtual. She offers her own workshops and webinars, and has done webinars for several software companies.

She has written two eBooks on working with textures, and released two creative courses. She and her husband, Dave, produce the “Virtual Creative Photography Conference” with attendees from around the world. Hazel loves the creative aspect of photography and post- processing, especially the use of textures and software to create unique images.

She is actively involved with the photographic community, and has held leadership roles and received honorary distinctions from several organizations. In the Fall of 2020 she was the recipient of the Ashbrook Award for Digital Imaging Instruction from the Photographic Society of America.

Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Registration through Eventbrite

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.

Guild/PSA Competition 3
Sunday, March 3, 2024 7:30 PM

I am sending this information that you can get started on your entries for the 3rd and final round of Guild/PSA competitions for the season. The usual categories are listed, and the Creative category is Guild only. All must be NEW images meaning you have not used them before in Guild Competitions.

And you had better find a location, the right temps and conditions and get out there to shoot 2 ‘Night’ images if you haven’t already got them in the can. Of course you can interpret that theme in whatever way you want…be creative and let’s see what comes in for that category! Images for this theme must have been shot after the 1st of September, 2023.

The Competition Review with the judges is on the 3rd of March! 👀

This upload deadline is the 18th of February @ 11:45 pm
