Category Archives: 2024

Black and White Digital Expression
Sunday, January 7, 2024 7:30 PM

This webinar is part of the Fred & Edie Greene Speaker Series

Black and White Digital Expression
David Laronde

David’s presentation will focus on how he expresses his images in black and white. To do this he will discuss what subjects look best when expressed as a black and white image, what to look for in a subject, and how he processes his black and white images. His presentation will show how he captures and adjusts his images in black and white so that they become meaningful images to him.
David Laronde has spent the last 40 years of his photographic career thinking about shape, form, and colour. That’s an odd thing to say for someone giving a presentation on expression in black and white photographic imagery, but black and white images are not just images with the absence of colour as colours translate differently in black and white. The inspiration for all his images has always been to photograph moments that were meaningful to him and black and white can often impress a different meaning than a colour image.

David Laronde is a Canadian photographer based in North Vancouver, British Columbia, although he is hardly there,  preferring to split his time between the ski resort of Whistler and the lake community of Osoyoos, both of which are also in British Columbia.

David has been designated by the Professional Photographers of America as a Certified Professional Photographer and as a Master Professional Photographer. His credentials outside the professional world include FCAPA, APSA, ARPS, and EFIAP/diamond 1.

Non-members of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia can register for the presentation using the following link: Registration through Eventbrite

PGNS members can go to the members only page for the WebEx link to the meeting.

Photographic Society of America certificate

PGNS has received a Photographic Society of America certificate, recognizing 75 years of long-standing support.

As a club we have participated in Interclub competitions for 75 years. Congratulations to PGNS and each and every member that has participated in PSA related competitions.

It is a great milestone indeed !

Viki Gaul